Monthly Archives: March 2008

Happy Easter!

Bunny ears

 Well our first long weekend of the year… started off with the yearly visitation to Forest Lawn and Ocean View.  It was certainly a nice day, and great to see everyone come and pay their respects.  For me, it was an opportunity to show Erica the names of her and Great-Grandparents and Great-Great Grandparents!  In the future, I’m looking forward to a time where I can tell her more about family that have passed on.  I can tell her with a lot of fondness about what they did, what they were like, and how a part of them lives on in us.

I find it interesting observing how visits to the cemetary change over time.  The first few years it’s very sad and solemn, but over the years I think it gradually changes to a happier occasion, remembering the good times with other family members and talking about… well life. 

As I look at the dates, it’s hard to comprehend how quickly time has passed.  I like to think that it’s a reminder to focus on the relationships and things that are happening now, and not spend too much time dwelling on the past or future.

That night, e’s nose starts running like a drippy faucet, and yep, she’s got a cold.  Poor thing can’t breathe so she wakes up all cranky. 

e with a cold

TV Deja Vu

When I was growing up, my list of favorite drama/action TV shows were something like this-

  • Bionic Man
  • Battlestar Galactica
  • Knight Rider
  • Airwolf
  • Simon and Simon/Magnum PI
  • Miami Vice

Now when I turn on the tele, instead of reruns I see reimagined versions of Bionic Woman, Battlestar Galactica, and now Knight Rider.  In the theatres, we had movie versions of The Dukes of Hazzard, Miami Vice, and Starsky and Hutch… and in an interesting reversal there’s the made for TV Terminator- Sarah Conner Chronicles and I believe an upcoming Star Wars series.

Is it possible that we’re running out of creativity, and simply rehashing old ideas, or are TV shows like fashion- acid wash jeans and pastel colors get recycled after a couple of generations when everyone has forgotten what a bad idea they were in the first place.

It seems odd to me to see the same shows appear on TV again.  I have happy childhood memories of the originals, so why do they need to bring the shows back to try the formula again?  For whatever reason, the remakes are often shadows of the original.  Sorry, but Starsky and Hutch was a joke, I couldn’t bring myself to see Dukes of Hazzard, and Miami Vice was just ok, but none lived up to the original. 

Don’t get me wrong, I thought that the reimagination of Battlestar Galactica was waaay better than the original… once you got past the fact that Starbuck is now a girl.  Likewise with  Terminator- I actually really like it- it’s clever and they’ve put a new spin on it.  I hope it gets renewed.

As for the new Knight Rider and Bionic woman.  Boooring.  I hope the old Kitt comes out of retirement and shows the new Kitt some old school moves.