Monthly Archives: December 2007


Maybe it’s because I’ve spent far too much time in Airports, or maybe it’s because this song was used in my sister’s wedding video… but I’ve just been humming ‘My Moon My Man’ for the past week.  I’ve been a fan of Feist over the past year and a bit, with ‘Mushaboom’ and ‘Inside and out’ steady favorites on the MP3 player… but every once in awhile there comes a song that just grabs your attention.


I should change the name of the blog to “stuff about Erica”… but anyways, I’m sure only parents and grandparents would find this video fascinating, but she’s recently started to play ‘peekaboo’… during dinner… sometimes with sauce covered hands.


Video of Erica learning to stand

For awhile we were wondering if Erica had much interest in walking. She seemed fine furniture walking and crawling along at half light-speed. Earlier this week she hit the 16 month mark, and I’d say within the last few weeks she’s starting to do more ‘stuff’. Here’s a video of her practicing standing without holding onto anything. You can see she’s getting confidence, so I think her first steps are just a few days away…