Monthly Archives: May 2007

Erica at 9 months!

Q3 came to a close a few days ago, and it’s hard to imagine that we’re 3/4 of the way through the first year already! 

Yesterday we finished our swim lessons.  I’m still amazed at how much these infants take to, and enjoy the water.  I don’t think I learned to swim until I was at least 5 or 6, and I remember some trepidation at the first few times I went into the deep end.  But infants this young don’t really have any fear, and sure they get annoyed when they get water up their noses, down the wrong pipe, or in their ears, but a quick timeout to recover and they’re right back in it.  And the little buggers learn fast- when we count to 3, e will close her eyes and mouth in preparation for the dunk… 


Mind you she still sticks out her tongue to taste the pool water, so maybe she still has a few more things to learn.  In the end, she clearly enjoys it, and we don’t mind getting up on Saturday AM to do this.  We’ll enrol her into the same class, even though we know the routine.  The kids don’t go to “Duck” level until 18 mos.

Another change or development in e’s behaviour is when we put her down to play, then walk away, she puts up a verbal fuss/whine… as if to say, come back here, don’t leave me.  We then give a quick verbal response that we’re still nearby, and to not fuss.  The thing we want to avoid is to run back to her as she’ll quickly figure out that this is the way to get what she wants.

Raspberries are still going strong, as is the baby talk- baa baa baa, maaap, maaap, etc.  She has much better control of her hands- clenching and unclenching both of her hands, clapping her hands, and grasping at items… and it seems she’s starting to prefer solids to her formula, and drinking water from a sippy cup or straw. 

She’s interacting with her enviroment a lot more- whether it be staring outside at trees, watching and grasping at the cats, or listening to her story CD.  It doesn’t take much to make her giggle- E and I both agree that she’s a lot of fun at this age!

A couple of weeks back, Peter, our friend who is living and working in Japan came for a visit!  He was in town for a wild and too brief visit, but we managed to get together for a nice dinner.  Here’s a photo of Uncle Peter and little e, and we asked him to take, what I believe is our first, family photo together.  If you notice that I’m a bit red, no I did not get sunburned and I am fully sober…

img_1071a.jpg  Our first family photo



So Jennifer introduced E and I to facebook.  Now E has probably doubled her time in front of the computer. 😉

I have to say that facebook came as a bit of a surprise to me in terms of how quickly it’s grown in popularity.  They say that communities are being created by these services- LinkedIN, Blogs, MSN Messenger, YouTube… and this one seems here to stay.  I almost use E as a litmus test, if she’s into it, then it’s easy to use and will have a high adoption rate.  I think she’s posting all her pictures on it.

I still prefer to blog- and will continue to post photos here… as long as I don’t use up Lester’s bandwidth.  🙂



Welcome Lauren Yu!

So my niece, Erica’s 1st cousin arrived on Mother’s day! 

Going to visit Elaine and Gord in the birthing suite brought back a lot of memories, and a reminder of how difficult, yet rewarding it is to bring a baby into this world.  It also reminded us of the first few days and weeks… those were certainly some challenging days, hard to imagine that anyone can survive them… but everyone gets through it. 

It also reminded us that as new parents there are a couple of requests- keep the hospital visits very short, and for the first few weeks/month at home, call before you visit, keep the visits short, and bring a home cooked meal 🙂

So who does Lauren look like?  Hard to tell at this stage, but Gord says she’s more like Ernie than Bert.  😐  Anyways, congratulations!  It was a tough delivery, but everyone is healthy and safe! 

Lauren Yu

Erica is 9 months tomorrow, and is about 18lbs, 5oz.  That’s triple her birth weight.  We have one more swim lesson to go.  Last lesson, we dunked her head under about 10 times, and each time she closed her eyes and mouth. Good girl!  However she still stuck her tongue out to taste the pool water.  🙁

We’re thinking of signing up for another set of lessons, not that we’ll learn anything new as it’s fairly repetitious, but because it’s nice to get out on a Saturday AM, and she really likes to kick and swim.  The side effect is when we give her a bath- we really get a splashfest!